AnÃlise do emprego de linhas de base triviais no ajustamento de Redes GPS




This research describes the results analisys of a series of GPS adjustment, made from different baseline combinations. It was tried to create conditions to a comparison between a adjustment which uses all baselines of a session (independent + trivial) and a adjustment which uses only the independent baselines of the session. When only independent baselines are used, there is a inconvenient: itâs possible to choose different baseline combinations. The aim was to determine how significantly the net stations coordinates and their uncertainties alter, when distinct points combinations and net configurations are made, in different positioning days. The processing was made also in different programs, with the purpose to increase the comparation sources. With this finality, they were used data from the Brazilian Network for Continuous GPS Monitoring (RBMC), maintened by the Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics (IBGE), and data from a static positioning obtained during a hydrographic survey, carried out by the Directorate of Hydrography and Navigation (DHN), during the last three months of 2007, in FlorianÃpolis-SC. The tests show that the station coordinates vary litlle centimeters in function of the way adopted in the adjustment. Otherwise, the uncertainties seem more coherent when the net adjustment is made using all the session baselines. The form as the uncertainties varies in elapsing of the day, becomes possible to associate them to the ionospheric delay


geodesia gps net adjustment trivial baselines ajustamento de rede gps incertezas linhas de base triviais uncertainties

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