Analise do processo de difusão atomica no estado solido em sistemas unidirecionais e radiais




In this work an analytical method is proposed to study diffusion pro¬cess in the solid state in binary systems consisting of only one phase with unidirectional, cylindrical and spherical atomic fluxo Initially a literature survey is carried out regarding some of the most important methods ap¬plied to diffusion process in these systems. The method is developed from the differential equation which treats this process in systems with unidirec¬tional atomic flux, that is modified by geometric correlation and convenient changes of variables. The modified differential equation is solved by using a well known exact solution based on the error function and equations are obtained to analyse both the position of the diffusion interface as a func¬tion of time and the concentration profiles as a function of the position and time. The predictions furnished by the analytical method are compared with numerical results. A comparative study of diffusion process in planar, cylindrical and spherical geometries is ais o presented. Finally possible ap¬plications of the proposed method to the solution of practical problems are discussed


materiais metalurgia

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