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Análise documentária das ementas cíveis uma experiência com acórdãos do tribunal de justiça do estado de São Paulo.

The expressive increase of the judicial production information in the contemporaneousness reflects for one hand the increasing complexity of the society and for the other the needs to organize it for its efficient recuperation specially so that the search can be possible,what would run over in a huge benefit for both the functioning of the judicial system and the society. In this way we can apply for validation a procedure of elaboration of jurisprudenciais amendments based in the Documentary Analysies that considers the judgment as a document soucer of the condensation process that is responsible for the production of the amendment. For this we talk over discuss between the relation of the Information Science and the recuperation of the information system emphasizing the importance of the information treatment for its adequate recuperation. We show clearly the importance of the Documnetary Analysies in the field of Informtion Science pointing it out through its condensation products and formation what makes possible to get trust worthy information to be used. In the same way we talk over discuss the jurisprudence importance in the field of the Law and in the social life. We elect as empiric matter of this search the jurisprudenciais amendments of the civil courts jurisdiction process of the Court of Justice of the state of São Paulo. As result we hav the validation of the model whose functionality neutralize the damage of the information. We conclude that the treatment of the documnetary procedure of the amendments in four categories, Fact, Legal Institute, Argument and Understanding, can answer in a objective and clearly way to the informational structure for the specific comprehension of the jurisprudenciais amendments that in its absence cant prevail itself of the organization procedures and consistent recuperation.