Análise e resultados da aplicação de modelos de maturidade em gerenciamento de projetos em uma organização: um estudo de caso. / Analysis and results from the project management maturity models application in an organization: a case study.




This dissertation analyzes the results and the maturity role in project management in a corporative environment through the study of three maturity models. During the study, identification and analysis process of each model, its strengths and weaknesses, as well as the opportunities and threats identified in the application of each one of these maturity models will be mapped. In addition, a real case study was applied aiming to evaluate maturity level in new products engineering department?s of a large electronic manufacturing company. This dissertation also addresses the positive contribution given by project management, on helping projects turning into success and organizational growth by means of its structures and supporting tools. With such growth being tracked and measured by the project management maturity level framework. Other aspect also analyzed, is the importance on aligning the organizational structures within the companys corporative goals, supported by the medium and long term strategical planning, using the organizational plans and strategies.


planejamento estratégico pmo project management project management maturity models organizational strategies organizational structures estratégias organizacionais strategic planning egp modelos de maturidade em gerenciamento de projetos gerenciamento de projetos estruturas organizacionais

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