Analise fenomenologica de processos hadronicos inelasticos difrativos a altas energias




A phenomenological model for hadronic diffractive dissociation was developed using as a starting point the Mueller s analysis of inclusive processes in the fragmentation region. The behavior of the Pomeron-hadron total cross section is described by using a set of assumptions based on the current phenomenology of elastic processes and total cross section, which is compatible with the idea of single Pomeron exchange as the dominant process at high energy. Applying this model, we describe experimental data of diffractive dissociation in the processes rr , rr , p +r and K+r. We make an extention of the model to diffractive dissociation of nuclei, in proton-nucleus interactions based on the peripherical character of the diffractive processes. The model is also used to describe the process of photoproduction of J /y mesons


interações hadronicas particulas (fisica nuclear) - difração

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