Análise histopatológica e ultra-estrutural de órgão de hamster golden (Mesocricetus auratus) infectados com isolados de Leishmania do complexo Braziliensis




Leishmaniasis are zoonosis with different clinical manifestations according to the Leishmania species involved and the host immune response. Leishmania braziliensis complex is responsible for the majority of human Tegumentary Leishmaniasis cases in Brazil and it is endemic in the Triângulo Mineiro region. Our aim was to compare the pathogeny of two different isolates of Leishmania braziliensis complex, obtained from cutaneous lesions of patients from Triângulo Mineiro region, with Leishmania (Viannia) braziliensis reference strain (MHOM/BR/75/M2903). Comparision was done by histopathological and ultrastructural analisys of organs of experimentally infected Hamster golden (Mesocricetus auratus). For that, 106 stationary promastigotes of the two isolates and the reference strain were subcutaneously innoculated in the hind forepaw of Hamster that were killed after 15, 30, 60 e 120 days post infection and then were collected fragments of the skin, popliteal lymph node, liver, spleen and bone marrow. The organs were processed for histopathological and ultrastructural analysis. The results showed differents pathogeny between both isolates and the reference strain, characterized for differences in prepatent period of the macroscopy lesions, in the outcome of the histophatological lesions, in the parasitism and in the capacity to produce metastatic lesions in the lymph node, liver and spleen.


pathology golden hamster (mesocriceuts auratus) histopatologia pathogeny hamster golden (mesocricetus auratus) patologia patogenia medicina veterinaria ultrastructure leishmaniose histopatholgy leishmania braziliensis ultra-estrutura

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