Análise integrada de questões ambientais, de segurança e saúde do trabalho para a indústria de química fina: uma contribuição metodológica para auditorias no segmento de biocidas / Integrated analysis of environmental, occupational health and safety issues to the fine chemical industry: a methodological contribution to audits in the biocides segment




This dissertation is a methodological contribution that presents a formatted document to guide and implement an integrated environment, occupational health and safety audit to a biocide manufacturing industry The survey to prepare this document involved both information gathering and compilation of data and reports available at the industry level. It also encompassed elements from the authors experience regarding his participation in a number of previous technical audits The selection of the chemical industry, with specific focus on a industrial unit that manufactures biocides was due to the potential accidents it can pose both to the workplace and the surrounding environment. Mostly, these accidents are related either to the technological nature of the productive process or to administrative flaws resulting from conflicts associated to financial, environmental and technological aspects of the business The final product is a structured and easy to both understand and apply material whose major goal is to prevent accidents in the biocide industry Since such accidents can result in fatalities at the industry workplace and also to the surrounding communities and ecosystems, it is an important guide for both workers and auditors


meio ambiente biocida environment biocide indústria química auditoria integrada segurança do trabalho integrated audit safety engenharias saúde ocupacional roteiro estruturado occupational health structured guide gestão ambiental

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