Análise quali-quantitativa da carcinofauna da enseada do Saco dos Limões, Baía-Sul, Florianópolis, SC e os impactos decorrentes da construção da Via Expressa SC-Sul




Coastal areas as ponds, bays and estuaries, are usually characterized by presenting a high productivity, working as important reproduction and growth areas for a variety of organisms. The crustaceans represent an important group, transferring the energy for superior levels, besides they contribute in the artisanal and industrial fisheries. Aiming to evaluate the quail-quantitative relationships of the carcinofauna of Saco dos Limões and the impacts of the dredging activities, collections were made every three months, in six sampling areas, during the period of the day and night, from 1997 to 2006; with aid of a boat employed in the fishing of the shrimp sete-barbas. The families Penaeidae and Portunidae were the most diversity, besides they contribute with the largest abundances, where the shrimps Farfantepenaeus brasiliensis, Litopenaeus schimitti, Farfantepenaeus paulensis, together with the crab Callinectes danae, were the dominant species. The largest abundances occurred in the areas VI and V, during summer, in the period of the night. The diversity and equitabilidade presented similar flotation, with the largest values on autumn and winter. The index of Jaccard indicated larger similarity in the composition of the crustaceans between the years of 2005 and 2006, while the smallest occurred between 1997 and 2005. Changes were observed in the structure of the carcinofauna along the years, with high mortalities during the summer 1997 dredging operations, and subsequent recovery in the last years. However the evaluation of the real magnitude of the impact was difficult, in function of the absence of previous data, as well as the own intrinsic variability of the study. The results obtained in this work enhance the importance of Enseada do Saco dos Limões as nursery and growth for species of shrimp of relevant economical interest, besides contributing as reproduction place for the crabs of the genus Callinectes, where probably the initial larval phase takes place in the adjacent coastal area, with subsequent migration of these for growth areas, in the bay, where they restart the cycle


abundância oceanografia dredging activities dragagem crustáceos abundance crustaceans

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