Analysis of antibody diversity: V-D-J mRNA nucleotide sequence of four anti-GAT monoclonal antibodies. A paucigene system using alternate D-J recombinations to generate functionally similar hypervariable regions.


The nucleotide sequence of four anti-(Glu60-Ala30-Tyr10)n (GAT) monoclonal gamma 1 heavy chain mRNAs was determined from codon 10 to 120. This sequence overlaps with the NH2-terminal amino acid sequence, allowing elucidation of the complete protein sequence encompassing regions VH, D and JH. These sequences, which are highly conserved, indicate that anti-GAT antibodies expressing the same public idiotypic specificities represent a paucigene system, which uses at least two D-J combinations leading to functionally similar hypervariable regions involved in the recognition of the dominant Glu-Tyr determinant. D regions are encoded by D genes which are closely related either to the D-SP2 or the D.FL16 germ line gene cores.

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