Analysis of renal fibrosis in a rabbit model of crescentic nephritis.


The pathogenesis of renal fibrosis in crescentic nephritis is incompletely understood. To improve our understanding of this process, crescentic nephritis was induced in New Zealand White rabbits by administration of guinea pig antiglomerular basement membrane IgG after sensitization with guinea pig IgG, and their kidneys were analyzed for the development of fibrosis. Collagen synthesis in renal cortical tissue was significantly elevated by day 3, peaked at days 7-15, and returned towards baseline by day 21. Collagen content of both glomeruli and cortex were increased starting on days 14-16, and remained constant in cortex thereafter. Light microscopic analysis was much less sensitive, revealing fibrosis only after day 21. Immunofluorescence revealed that type IV collagen was distributed primarily in the glomerulus, while types I and III were increased in the glomerulus and interstitium. Thus, in this model of crescentic nephritis, fibrosis, as assessed biochemically, developed early at time points when morphologic analysis failed to detect such a development. Hence early therapeutic intervention, before morphologic evidence of fibrosis is evident, may be more successful in arresting the progression of this disease before it reaches irreversible terminal stages.

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