Analysis of sick leave due oral and maxillofacial affections and correlated problems of municipal civil serevers of São Paulo, submitted to occupational expertise in the period of 1996 to 2000 / "Análise dos afastamentos do trabalho por motivo odontológico em servidores públicos municipais de São Paulo submetidos à perícia ocupacional no período de 1996 a 2000"




This work aims at studying the absenteeism due to oral and maxillofacial affections and correlated problems of municipal civil servers of São Paulo. The data was assesed onto sick-leave requests to the São Paulo Occupational Medical Department between December 1996 and December 2000. It is a contribution to the analysis of the oral health impact to the worker. The theorethical groundings of this dissertation lean on a literature review that departs from the absenteeism in its wider concept and reaches the issues of the health-related absenteeism, and within this latter, in particular, those related to dental origin. In its experimental respect, the work resorts to quantitative research methodology applied to secondary data retrieved from the database of administrative occupational expertise during the period. It aims at investigating the prevalence, the incidence and the average time of work absenteeism, according to the variables of interest to the health area, classified by nosologic groups and in agreement with the International Classification of Diseases and Problems Related to health - ICD - 10 - WHO - 1993. The results indicated a larger prevalence on the feminie gender, average of 42.2 years old, with standard deviation of 9.2 years and variation coefficient of 21%, minimum of 20 and maximum of 69 years of age. The analysis of proportions showed the largest frequency in the age group from 20 to 29 years, and the smallest frequency in the age group from 60 to 69 years. It was found, as a central tendency measure, an average sick-leave period of 5.4 days, with a 5.3 days of standard deviation and variation coefficient of 97%, with a minimum leave of 0 days (request denied) and a maximum of 60 days. According to the frequency, the 5 principal reasons were: 1) Erupted tooth extraction (24.94%); 2)Diseases of the pulp and periapical tissues (17.815); 3) Periodontal Diseases (10.75%); 4) TMJ disorders (7.68%); 5) Embedded and impacted teeth surgery (6.88%). Regarding to the participative weight in the total of sick-leave days, the TMJ disorders was observed to be the prevailing reason (17.12%).


odontologia social absenteeism sik leave direito do trabalho oral health licenças-saúde bucal absenteísmo

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