Analysis of the Effects of Chlorhexidine on Oral Biofilm Vitality and Structure Based on Viability Profiling and an Indicator of Membrane Integrity


American Society for Microbiology


Multispecies biofilms modeling interproximal plaque were grown on a hydroxyapatite substratum in a constant-depth film fermentor and then immersed in a viewing solution containing fluorescent indicators of membrane integrity. Confocal laser scanning microscopy (CLSM) revealed the structure and spatial distribution of cell vitality within the biofilms. Chlorhexidine gluconate (CHX) was added to the viewing solution to achieve concentrations of 0.05 and 0.2% (wt/vol) before further CLSM time-lapse series were captured. Image analysis showed that exposure to 0.2% CHX caused the biofilm to contract at a rate of 1.176 μm min−1 along the z axis and also effected changes in total fluorescence measurements and viability profiles through the biofilms after a delay of 3 to 5 min. At a concentration of 0.05% CHX, total fluorescence measurements for the biofilm exhibited barely detectable changes after 5 min. Fluorescence profiles (fluorescence versus time versus depth), however, clearly showed that a time-dependent effect was present, but the clearest indicator of the effect of dilute CHX over time was viability profiling. These findings suggest the possibility of using fluorescent indicators of membrane integrity in conjunction with viability profiling to evaluate the penetration of the bactericidal effects of membrane-active antimicrobial compounds into biofilm.

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