Analysis of the efficiency from visible-light sources used to polimerize odontological resins. / Estudo da eficiência de aparelhos para fotopolimerizar resinas odontológicas.




In this work, five photopolymerizators was characterized, Visilux 2, Resilux, Fibralux, Translux III and Primelite. Initially the emission specter from five light sources was obtained with a monochromator, and to these specters was adjusted gaussians functions. The better adjustments was obtained with a sum of gaussian functions, originating a caracteristic mathematical function to each light source. The resin s optical absortion specter was obtained in the 350-600 nm interval from eletromagnetic specter, and was observed that was greater absorption for smaller weavelength. The values of linear attenuation coefficient from slabs and samples was calculated, and was observed that for one light source, there was variations in the values of linear attenuation coefficient to differents thicknesses, both to the slabs and the samples, concluding that the sistem was not in equilibrium. The light sources used was disposed in agreement to their efficience in the resin s polymerization, through the values of the hardness during the photopolymerization, in the order: Visilux 2, Translux III, Resilux, Fibralux and Primelite.


dureza hardness intensidade de luz light intensity odontological resin fotopolimerizator resina odontológica

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