Analysis of the process of the logistic strategical planning in the supermarket sector: in case that supermarket sector of the city of São Gonçalo, Rio de Janeiro / Análise do processo do planejamento estratégico logístico no setor de supermercado: caso setor supermercadista do município de São Gonçalo, RJ




In the second half of century XX the supermarkets had started to present a new concept for the Brazilian. Being popularized from 1990 with the economic opening where the ngression of supermarkets started multinationals, with high technology of information and a reduction of the practised edges, that prioritized the high turn of supply. This model provided a hange in the concept of the retail market, fortifying and valuing the choice of the consumer. This new conception of market forced the retail Brazilian companies to use new strategical tools, as it is the case of the present study: the logistic strategical planning. The research bjectified to evaluate the existence of the strategical planning with a boarding of the logistic one integrated aiming at competitiveness in the studied companies. This through the concepts most advanced on the logistic relation integrated strategical planning and, explaining that the organizations that better and more aprofundadamente implement the logistic strategical planning get resulted satisfactory competitive. The research was carried through in eight companies of the supermercadista sector in the city of São Gonçalo in the state of Rio de Janeiro. The used metodológica boarding was qualitative to identify to the difficulties, processes, cares and procedures and qualitative to identify the reasons, almost inexistent, of the implementation of the logistic strategical planning in averages and small companies of the studied sector. The type of Vergara research was used how much to the ends as of exploratório character and how much to the half ones if treating to a case study of the supermarkets sector of the type of field research, for having used closed form with justification and two opened answers, and document evaluation, supplied for the companies. One concludes that the process of the logistic planning possesss an importance as element that directs the efforts of the area of logistic integrated to reach resulted that they will contribute for the final objectives of the organization, constant of its coorporativa strategy. The main important question of this boarding is to create a competitive advantage of the company before its competitors, from pointers of performances (for example: logistic level of service and costs), critical factors of success proceeding from a well elaborated logistic strategy, amongst others.


varejo supermarket logistic strategical planning administracao planejamento estratégico logístico retail supermercado

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