"And what is there does not destroy the memory": history, memory and fiction in the work of WG Sebald / 'E o que resta não destrói a memória': história, memória e ficção na obra de W. G. Sebald




The aim of this dissertation is to analyze how German writer W.G. Sebald (1944-2001) talks about History, Memory and Fiction in his four prose books. The narratives of this author act by collecting several trails and fragments from the past through encounters with people, images, objects landscapes and places of memory - something that recall us of the historian who should be like an archeologist or a collector that Walter Benjamin thought necessary to understand and think critically about the ruins of History. Divided by three chapters - about the displacement as a way of thinking, the elaboration of memory and about History in literary narratives - this work has tried to deal with the connections between History and Literature by taking the singular work of a writer as an example that fiction makes it possible to have a different relationship with the past.


história fiction philosophy 20th century memory w.g. sebald catastrophe memória w.g. sebald século xx filosofia ficção history catástrofe

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