Angiographic abnormalities associated with alterations in regional myocardial blood flow in coronary artery disease.


To evaluate the association between alterations in myocardial blood flow and angiographic findings, myocardial blood flow was compared in 26 patients with asymergy, 15 patients with a similar extent of coronary artery disease but without asynergy, and 10 patients without coronary artery disease or obvious myocardial or valvular disease. Myocardial blood flow was measured at rest with an Anger camera and PDP-11/20 computer after the intracoronary injection of 133xenon. In comparison with the normal subjects, whole heart blood flow was significantly reduced in patients with asynergy. In addition, myocardial blood flow in regions of anteroapical asynergy was reduced (85-7 +/- 7-0 ml/min per 100 g3 in controls to 65-4 +/- 4-5, P less than 0-05) and a similar reduction was noted in regions of posterolateral asymergy (91-5 +/- 8-8 in controls to 66-8 +/- 5-0, P less than 0-05). In general, regional myocardial blood flow was reduced distal to left anterior descending or left circumflex stenosis of less than 50 per cent, with a trend toward further reduction distal to less than 75 per cent stenosis. In these same patients, the presence of anteroapical or posterolateral asynergy resulted in a similar trend to even greater reduction of flow. The effect of collaterals was variable: 7 of 8 patients without asynergy but with less than 75 per cent left anterior descending stenosis and collateral circulation to the lower left anterior descending quadrant had minimally reduced flows. However, in the 17 patients with anteroapical asynergy, regional myocardial blood flow was very similar in the 9 patients with collaterals compared with the 8 patients without them. This study suggests that the degree of coronary artery stenosis and presence of asynergy are both important in evaluating alterations in myocardial blood flow in coronary artery disease, while the role of collaterals remains uncertain.

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