Angiotensin II: a potent regulator of acidification in the rat early proximal convoluted tubule.


The early proximal convoluted tubule (PCT) is the site of 50% of bicarbonate reabsorption in the nephron, but its control by angiotensin II has not been previously studied. In vivo microperfusion was used in both the early and late PCT in Munich-Wistar rats. Systemic angiotensin II administration (20 ng/kg X min) or inhibition of endogenous angiotensin II activity with saralasin (1 microgram/kg X min) caused profound changes in bicarbonate absorption in the early PCT (169 +/- 25 and -187 +/- 15 peq/mm X min, respectively). Because the bicarbonate absorptive capacity of the early PCT under free-flow conditions is 500 peq/mm X min, angiotensin II administration or inhibition affected greater than 60% of proton secretion in this segment. Both agents less markedly affected bicarbonate absorption in the late PCT (+/- 28 peq/mm X min) or chloride absorption (+/- 68-99 peq/mm X min) in both the early and late PCT. Because of its potential for controlling the majority of bicarbonate absorption in the early PCT (hence greater than or equal to 30% of bicarbonate absorption in the entire nephron), angiotensin II may be a powerful physiologic regulator of renal acidification.

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