Anionic lipid headgroups as a proton-conducting pathway along the surface of membranes: a hypothesis.


Evidence has been gathering from several laboratories that protons in proton-pumping membranes move along or within the bilayer rather than exchange with the bulk phase. These experiments are typically conducted on the natural membrane in vivo or in vitro or on fragments of natural membrane. Anionic lipids are present in all proton-pumping membranes. Model studies on the protonation state of the fatty acids of liposomes containing entrapped water show that the bilayers always contain mixtures of protonated and deprotonated carboxylates. Protonated fatty acids form stable acid-anion pairs with deprotonated fatty acids through unusually strong hydrogen bonds. Such acid-anion dimers have a single negative charge, which is shared by the four negative oxygens of both headgroups. The two pK values of the resulting dimer will be significantly different from the pK of the monomeric species, so that the dimer will be stable over a wide pH range. It is proposed that anionic lipid headgroups in biological membranes share protons as acid-anion dimers and that anionic lipids thus trap and conduct protons along the headgroup domain of bilayers that contain such anionic lipids. Protons pumped from the other side of the membrane may enter and move within the headgroup sheet because the protonation rate of negatively charged proton acceptors is 5 orders of magnitude faster than that of water. Protons trapped in the acidic headgroup sheet need not leave this region in order to be utilized by a responsive proton-translocating pore (a transport protein using the proton gradient). Experiments suggest the proton concentration in the headgroup domain may vary widely and the anionic lipid headgroup sheet may therefore function as a proton buffer. Due to the Gouy-Chapman-Stern layer at polyanionic surfaces, anionic lipids will also sequester protons from the bulk solution at low and moderate ionic strengths. At high ionic strength metal cations may replace protons sequestered near the headgroups, but these cations cannot substitute for protons in the "proton-conducting pathway," which is based on hydrogen bonding.

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