Anthropometric indicators as predictors of body fat in children from 6 to 9 years old, assisted by Family Health Program in the municipality of Viçosa - MG / Indicadores antropométricos como preditores de gordura corporal em crianças de 6 a 9 anos de idade, atendidas pelos programas de Saúde da Família do município de Viçosa - MG




This study aimed to evaluate the effectiveness of anthropometric indicators as predictors of body fat percentage (% BF) in children. There was an epidemiological study of cross design, in which 205 children from 6 to 9 years old were assisted by Family Health Program of the municipality Viçosa-MG. The anthropometric evaluation consisted in determining the weight, height, waist circumference (WC) and triceps (ST), Bicipital (SB), subscapular (SSe) and suprailiac (SSi) skinfold thickness. The circumference of the waist was measured in three different anatomical sites (lower abdominal curvature, the midpoint between the iliac crest and the last rib and the umbilical scar). The body composition was assessed by tetrapolar bioelectrical impedance (TBI) and by bipedal bioelectrical impedance (BBI). For the calculation of %BF by tetrapolar bioelectrical impedance it was used the equation proposed by Kushner (1992). The anthropometric indicators evaluated were: body mass index (BMI), WC, skinfold thickness, conicity index (CI) and waist to height ratio (WHr). The models proposed by Weststrate and Deurenberg (1989)which considerates that for the calculation of %BF the ST, SB, SSe and SSi and the equation proposed by Lohman (1988) that considers only the ST and SSe were used. To assess the nutritional status, the values of BMI / age according to the curves WHO (2007) were used. The cutoff points used were those proposed by Must et al. (1991). Statistical analysis consisted in the coefficient correlation of Pearson and Spearman, the Student t test, Mann-Whitney, Kruskall-Wallis with post-hoc test of Dunn s, curve construction of ROC (Receiver Operating Characteristic Curve) and analysis of Bland - Altman. In this study there was uniformity between the sexes and the average age was 7.2 1.2 years. It was found that 6.3% of children had low weight (5.7% for females and 6.9% in men), 75.1% were eutrophic (81.8% for females and 68.3% in male), 7.3% were overweight (4.8% for females and 9.9% in men) and 11.2% were obese (7.7% for females and 14.9% for men). There was a significant difference between the %BF calculated by the TBI and calculated by 4 skinfold thickness and BBI. Regarding to the TBI and the %BF calculated by the 2 skinfold thickness there was no significant difference. The coefficient of correlation between the TBI, the BMI, the %BF assessed by 4 folds, 2 folds and BBI, for males was 0.50, 0.63, 0.75 and 0.77, respectively. In the female the correlations were 0.50, 0.69, 0.69 and 0.82. In the boys there was no statistical difference between the different sites for measuring the WC. In the girls the WC measure on the umbilical scar was statistically higher than the other measures. In the analysis of the correlation the WC measured at midpoint between the last rib and iliac crest was the one which obtained the best correlation %BF, with values of 0.50 in boys and 0.62 in girls. Therefore, concerning to this population this must be the place to measure the WC. In males the CI had better correlation (r = 0.64) with the %BF in the female, the WHr showed better correlation (r = 0.61). The areas under the ROC curve were higher for WHr for all ages and sexes. Among the methods analyzed the bipedal bioelectrical impedance was the one which presented the best correlation with the %BF measured by tetrapolar bioelectrical impedance in both sexes. Thus, in this population and in others with similar characteristics, the bipedal bioelectrical impedance can be used to replace the tetrapolar bioelectrical impedance. Among the anthropometric methods evaluated in this study, the skinfold thickness had better correlation with the %BF. Among the indicators of the location of body fat, the waist to height ratio presented better eliminatory power of body excess fat than the waist circumference and the conicity index (CI), in both sexes and all ages. The cutoff points found for WHr in this study may be used for this population as a discriminator of abdominal fat excess. Thus, the bipedal bioelectrical impedance, the skinfold thickness and the waist to height ratio (WHr) can be used in populational studies as predictors of body fat in children.


crianças body composition anthropometry antropometria nutricao composição corporal nutritional evaluation children nutrition nutrição programa saúde da família family health program avaliação nutricional nutricional

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