Antônio de Sá Pereira e o ensino moderno de piano: pioneirismo na pedagogia pianística brasileira / Antônio de Sá Pereira e o ensino moderno de piano: pioneirismo na pedagogia pianística brasileira




Antônio de Sá Pereira was a renowned scholar and a pioneer of Piano Pedagogy in Brazil. His treatise on piano teaching and technique, Ensino Moderno de Piano (Modern Piano Teaching -1933), encompasses several related subjects such as sight reading and critical listening. This is the first time a Brazilian work describes the physiology of piano playing movements and systematizes the use of the arm-weight technique. The work also applies rational strategies toward practice in order to teach the students to think and listen by themselves. This thesis analyzes Ensino Moderno de Piano relating it to the theories on which it was based and pointing out its originality in the context of related Brazilian works on piano technique. This thesis also verifies the modernity of its ideas. Biographical, documental and bibliographical data on Sá Pereira contextualize the treatise. Sá Pereiras work synthesizes the modern piano technique theory using an accessible and objective language. At that time, arm-weight technique was a barely known subject in Brazil. On the other hand, Sá Pereira does not follow the principles of Modern Piano Technique in a dogmatic way. Although there is great affinity with his ideas and those of the great theorists of the period, Sá Pereira still finds a balance between the two different types of piano technique approach the arm-weight and the finger technique. He considers them complementary to each other, a contemporary perspective on piano technique. More than a treatise on piano technique, the work Modern Piano Teaching aims to transform and to modernize piano teaching methods employed in Brazil.


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