Aplicação de conceitos da gestão econômica (GECON) em hospitais : uma análise focada na visão de gestores hospitalares do estado de Pernambuco




The State of Pernambuco is recognized in national ambit by its development in the medical area. The Recife Metropolitan Area (RMR) detaches in Brazilian northeastern context by the existence of a high number of health services units, where public and deprived hospitals are located with more than 50 years, generating employment for a great number of people. In the hospitals, the generated conflicts, besides the relative ones the behavior manner among professionals of the health and administrative area, they were originated from the need to guaranteeing a great result with a smaller expense observing the managers perception. Besides of the importance of factor "perception" associated to the process of decision making, from the performance of the hospitals in the market, of the happened structural and technological transformations, from the competitiveness in the reception of resources and growing liabilities to the ethic and transparency, this research to analyzend the following subject: which the perception of the hospital managers located in the Recife Metropolitan Area (RMR), about the use of the concepts of the economic administration (GECON) in their management model for development ends and support of these organizations? The present work has as general objective verify the perception from the hospitals controllers of the institutions registered in Health s Ministry (MS) and located in Recife Metropolitan Area (RMR), on the applicability of concepts and premises from the model of economic administration in organizations process. The research was understood by six hospitals and seventy five managers and it looked for identify procedures inside of an accounting base that can be adapted to MIAR model and to the Information System with base in the concepts of Economic Administration in the hospitals. The conceptual aspects related in the theoretical bases were organized in the sense of demonstrating through the existing literature the concepts of GECON, the pré-requirements of MIAR and beginnings of the information system of economic administration to guiding for a research instrument in questionnaire form. For verification were used data located in the Health s Ministry and applied a questionnaire exploring two aspects of the economic administration: a) Perception of the identification and accumulation of the transactions, guaranteeing the quality of the information through the factors: reliability, opportunity, objectivity and usefulness; and b) Perception of a information system of the economic administration that allows the hospital control and of the costs as instrument of the managers evaluation. After to the descriptive analysis from the subjects that were part of the research questionnaire, took place a statistical study with the purpose of testing the hypotheses that were formulated in the first chapter, through the verification of the existence, or not, of convergence among perception from the hospital managers cooperated, publics and private, with relation to considered subjects. It is observed that the guide hypothesis of the research was confirmed: the hospital managers do not possess different perceptions with relation to the concepts and standards of the economic management. In accordance with this affirmation, it is concluded that in the hospitals are used models and systems that possess bases as concepts, premises and principles of economic management - GECON, without that if it modifies existing the natural model already, without that if it modifies the natural model that already exists, thus contributing to optimize the result and enterprise effectiveness in the hospitals.


information system gestão econômica economic administration gecon gecon ciencias contabeis models of identification and accumulation of results sistema de informações modelos de identificação e acumulação de resultados

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