Aplicação de tecnicas da administração da produção a melhoria do tempo de resposta em computadores de grande porte / Applying operations management concepts to mainframes response time improvement




This dissertation proposes a method to reduce process response time in mainframes without modifying the software codes. Due to the differences between disks and processors speed, the benefits were reached through the disk queue reduction applying some concepts of operations management such as Queuing Theory, Theory of Constraints, Batch Processing and Setup Time reduced the response time in mainframes. The method proposed restructured the use of the hardware available instead of modifying the software codes or increasing hardware capacity, which are two options for response time reduction. Mapping the steps in information technology processes and using concepts of production improvement reduced the influences of a competitive operational environment on software performance. The outcome was a significant processor and run time reduction, without business environment risks.


desempenho response time improvement computadores - capacidade performance mainframe computação - avaliação discos rigidos (computação) contribuição de melhoria

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