Aplicações de sistemas de informação geográfica móveis: um estudo voltado para iniciativas de governo eletrônico na administração pública municipal / Mobile geographic information systems applications: a study returned for electronic governments initiatives in the municipal public administration




The present work had as purpose to do a study about applications of Mobile Geographic Information Systems (Mobile GIS), directed to electronic governments initiative in the municipal public administrations. Then, it was proposed a taxonomy of Mobile GIS applications, for each public administration area. Based in conceptual modeling of database applications guided to urban areas, presented in the taxonomy, a common elements set was found and specified through an analysis pattern. Moreover, a research was guided about problems of storage geographic data in mobile devices. Finally, an application was developed to confirm the results obtained in this work.


ciencia da computacao gestão urbana electronic government mobile geographic information systems governo eletrônico urban management sistemas de informação geográfica móveis

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