Aprendizagem sobre artefatos tecnológicos




The introduction of information technologies in education had been a discussion theme by researchers since the invention of computers. Some people sustain the opinion that the information technologies can radically change the educational methods. On the other hand the results pointed by many researches do not confirm this theory evidencing some controversy points in the relationship among classroom and computer. This work tries to investigate the real contribution of computers in the leaning process The theme trails the same path of recent researches that show a variety of possible ways in which computers can be use in regular education, as well as in future researches. This work was written aiming at being an exploratory and explanatory study in learning in data-based teaching environments. The investigation subjects proposed had the objective of identifying how far computers as a new model o didatic material may influence the individuals in their learning process. A learning enviromnent - Fotograma (Frame) Environment of Photography Learning was especially developed for this thesis. Its function was to express a learning concep whose goal was to place the individual in a context of discovery of technologica artifacts. This programme was then applied as a tool of data collection.The public intended for the experiment was high school students, as well as college ones from initial terms. The concepts covered by the programme were situated mainly around the structures of the devices availble in cameras, and their respective functions. The results arising from the process of investigation made it possible for us to answe some of the questions proposed. Obviously, a lot of other questions came up originated mainly from the interaction between the students and this learning environment. Suche facts deserve more serius investigations and constitute suggestions for future works as they are situated beyond the scope of this research Learning environments are still an initial stage of development, in which the techniques and the process suitable for theis creation have just been born.


fotogramas educação teses tecnologia educacional aprendizagem 

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