Aquisição do sistema verbal do português-por-escrito pelos surdos




This research presents an interlanguage analysis of deaf learners and their written Portuguese. The research was based on written data collected in four sessions of led interviews that aimed at investigating the usages of Portuguese verbal flexions and identifying a possible order of acquisition. The informants are congenital deep deaf empaired, users of LIBRAS and students from the elementary school of SEE/DF.Data analysis started initially throught an error analysis in which those errors were identified being either caused by the first language interference (LIBRAS), or by developmental processes. It was described the usages of Portuguese verbal forms and the usage of verbs such as to be, to stay and to have by the deaf learners. The interlanguages observed characterize themselves by the prevalence of using verbs in the infinitive form with time variation being done by other linguistic resources, like adverbs or lexical items that show temporality; little difference among the discourse people; little agreement between verb and subject and a frequency of usages of the third singular person subject and the verb conjugated in this person. Different learning strategies are analysed, such as verb omission (to be), change of grammaticals categories etc.It was concluded that neither during the research, nor during the informants sholastic lives, from 5Th to 8 Th grade, they could not internalize the proper usages of Portuguese verbal flexions. It was tried to understand the causes of the learners competence levellings among them e during the stages observed. Based on this analysis, it is suggested new precedures to the teaching of Portuguese as second language to deaf people.


português linguistica análise de erros deaf people libras flexão verbal libras surdos error analysis interlanguage interlíngua portuguese verbal flexion

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