Armazenamento e distribuição de pulsos ópticos com conversão em múltiplos comprimentos de onda




Based in the effect of the Electromagnetically Induced Transparency (EIT) and the storage of light in atomic medium, we propose multi-wavelength optical pulse conversion. Starting from coupled Maxwell-Bloch equations, we simulate the propagation of the optical pulses resonant with electric dipole transition in the atomic system. Considering a three level Λ-type atomic system, we investigate the effect of the storage of light under EIT and we approach the wavelength conversion process using a double-Λ system. Generalizing the process for a triple-Λ system, we show the possibility of multi-wavelength conversion of a field previously stored in the atomic system. In this last case, we simulate the propagation of the six fields interacting resonantly, where three of the fields are called control fields and others are probe fields. First only two fields are incident in the medium, a probe field and a control field, thus we establish the EIT regime. When we turn off the control field, the probe field is stored in the medium as a collective excitation between the lower energy levels which corresponds to a dark state of the atomic system. Depending on the choice of the control field which is turned on, we show that it is possible to store a field for a given a time and later to release it in differents wavelengths.


storage of light armazenamento da luz transparência eletromagneticamente induzida fisica da materia condensada electromagnetically induced transparency propagation of the optical pulses propagação de campos ópticos

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