Arquitetura de informação na web : estudo de caso de web site corporativo




In the World Wide Web context, each published Web site has an inherent preocupation with the way in which it will be manipulated by the user. Independent of the Web site size and project, there was someone responsible to offer ways for accessing the information presented. This preocupation guides ali the process of a Web site design and at the end it will be dissolved, be coming invisible to the user. This work intends to research and to consider about how the conscient utilization of the available resources, the information structure and clear content organization, the logicand concise navigation systems and the use of a transparent and intuitive interface can result in a better use of the Web site by the user. In order to verify the aplicability of the investigated concepts, a corporative Web site was developed bya practical project based in a case study


sites da web sistemas multimidia sites da web - desenho interação homem-maquina

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