As aÃÃes provocadas por publicidades virtuais e nÃo-virtuais do Unibanco




This research has the purpose to analyze the agentive character of virtual and non-virtual publicity texts, regarding the genre systems of bank activities. It is situated in the field of the linguistic studies of Genre Analysis, resulting in a qualitative analysis of a corpus composed by texts from the same publicity campaign of UNIBANCO, transmitted in media during the period of August 2005 to July 2007. Studies of these kinds are of paramount importance to the language science once they bring up a new reading object, the virtual publicities, which when compared to the non-virtual ones, illustrate the discursive and cultural modifications that Internet has provoked in diverse textual genres. The analysis of UNIBANCO publicities and the integrating genres of the bank activity system are based in theoretical presupposed from the North-American School of Genre Theory and from Brazilian theorists of Linguistic and Social Communication. The investigation leads to the verification that the agentive character of UNIBANCO publicity texts, which is determined by factors such as the nature of the service, the way of the text construction or the media broadcasting (virtual or non-virtual) stimulates effective actions from the customers in such a way that they acquire the services supplied by the institution


publicidade bancÃria letras gÃnero textual agÃncia bank publicity agency textual genre

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