As atividades de apreciação musical em diálogo com o desenho: uma análise das primeiras expressões do conhecimento musical por crianças de 3 a 6 anos




This research aims to investigate the cognitive and musical development of children from three to six years old, students from kindergarten of a regular private school in Belo Horizonte, evaluating the effectiveness of the use of drawings in music appreciation activities with children in this age. With the analysis of individual reports and drawings collected in methodologically controlled activities, we intend to observe if through the drawing (allied to report about this drawing) the child can express what and how she understands the music heard. To carry out the analysis of the drawings we intended to establish relationships between theories of Luquet (1927), Piaget (1948) and Lowenfeld (1977) on the development of children s drawing and the drawings produced. There is a consensus between the three theories of the development of the design linked to cognitive development, although the theorists at no time explicit cognitive processes responsible for the development of children s drawing. To examine the levels of musical understanding of the reports of the children, we used the model of Spiral Development of Musical Understanding proposed by Swanwick and Tillman (1986). From a deep knowledge of the development process of children s drawing and cognitive development of children in the study, combined with the knowledge of the musical understanding, we can find ways to help us to analyze and establish relationships in the drawings and reports made by children from activities of assessment


educação musical brasil séc. xx musica analise, apreciação.

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