As contribuições da percepção ambiental para os projetos urbanos :o caso da Vila Zumbi dos Palmares na Região Metropolitana de Curitiba




The informal portion of the cities is seen as a process which contrasts the traditional elements of urban planning. For this reason, it is understood that the studies concerning irregular occupations and ways of intermediating urban interventions have strong impact on urban management. It discusses therefore, how the incorporation of environmental perception can improve reading the space produced in irregular occupations, creating positive impacts in the urban habitability. It is defined a method for reading the space, in which the variables and observable facts are properly structured and inter-related. The environmental perception is taken as a way to aggregate environmental quality in such ventures. It has been taken as case study Vila Zumbi dos Palmares, in the city of Colombo, metropolitan region of Curitiba. Its choice is justified due to its complexity regarding urban, environmental, and social issues. The results were based on interviews with the residents, associated to the subsequent qualitative assessment of the project, through the intersection of readings concerning built environment and experienced human behavior. It was found that , besides the physical evidence, there are cultural and social aspects of considerable relevance to enable the optimum conditions of urban habitability. Learning how to see and how to read an urban space is fundamental to understand a particular social group. In this sense, the work focuses on both planner and inhabitant as a matter of fundamental importance in the establishment of an urban dialogue. Therefore, the perception is taken as a contribution for establishing a relationship between the built environment and the human behavior. Once it makes possible the intersection between urban demands and social demands, it adds qualitative value to the space recreated.


planejamento urbano e regional planejamento regional planejamento urbano - dissertações gestão ambiental environmental management city planning vila zumbi (colombo, pr) regional planning

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