As intervenções de facilitação nos processos de aprendizagem. / The interventions of facilitations on the learning process




This work has as objective the interventions of facilitations study in constructionists learning environments, based on studies of Jean Piaget, Vygotsky and Carl Rogers. Therefore they were categorized, defining itself nature, characteristics, effects and theoretical beddings that give sustentation to them. The research used, as sources of data, observation protocols and videotapes of courses, lessons, encampments and workshops, all realized between the years of 1994 and 2000, in the Núcleo de Informática na Educação Superior (NIES/UFAL) had been used, in schools of the public system and private education attended by the NIES, in the Psicologia da Educação classes of the courses of major of UFAL, in courses of dynamics of Group realized by IMPISA (company directed toward the development of learning environments), as well as situations lived in existential encampments with adolescents, beyond the experience of almost 30 years with education and 25 with formation of professors. From the available materials, we choose the records of 11 activities, which were extracted and analyzed, in a contextualized way, 14 cases of facilitated interventions. The interventions are categorized in six groups: Investigative, Reflexive, Unbalanced, Informative, Orientation Participative and Mediative. All are characterized and exemplified with statement of the nature and the scientific principles behind each one.


facilitation of learning ambientes de aprendizagem facilitação de aprendizagem construcionismo learning environments educacao constructionism intervenção do professor facilitador the intervention of the facilitador teacher

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