As lesões por esforços repetitivos-LER : um estudo dos prontuarios da reabilitação profissional




This study describes the social professional profile and the work situations of 69 Repetition Strain Injury - RSI cases. They were evaluated by Profissional Reabilitation Center (CRP) in the period between 1988 to 1995, in employees of three eletric eletronic industries in Campinas. The interelationships between a series of factors as: age, scholarship, work functions, work sectors, admission year, year of appearance of first symptoms, stage of illness, work removal year and earlier functions are studied. It also describes how different industries with different schemes cause their repetition strain injury cases. The choice of the cases is based in data we raised from the Social Previdence Communications of work-related accidents in Campinas in period between 1993 to 1995. The data indicated that the eletric eletronic sector is one that has one of the greatest number of Repetition Strain Injury registered and among the three chosen industries, those that presented greater number of notifications of illnesses in the industrial branch. Most of the cases (89,68%) were of female sex, with low level scholarship with incomplete elementary school (62,32%) and many youngsters (53,62% at age from 21 to 35 years old). As to labour history the greatest majority work at setting lines with few times of display (42,11% in a year) and a third part of the studied cases were in advanced stages of Repetition Strain injury (33,33% in III and IV degrees of illness stage. The work demands exigencies that were submitted the studied cases, considering the intensity of work, extra hours and breaks were considered as a great sowed of conflicts and stress situations bisides being responsible for the workers physical failing.


saude e trabalho doenças profissionais eficiencia industrial

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