As mascaras de Lelio : ficção e realidade nas "Balas de Estalo" de Machado de Assis / The Lelio s masks : fiction and reality in "Balas de Estalo" of Machado de Assis




This study examines Machado de Assis participation, under the pseudonym Lélio, in the collaborative series Balas de Estalo, published in the periodical Gazeta de Notícias from 1883 to 1886. In the context of urban change, immigration, and abolitionism pertaining to the period, ?Balas de Estalo? helped to debate the decline of the monarchy, the Catholic Church and the institution of slavery. The dissertation seeks to understand Machado´s participation in the series, to explore the characteristics of Lelio, the fictional narrator, and, finally, to investigate the writer s view of imperial politics in the late 19th century


press literatura brasileira - historia e critica brazilian literature

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