As múltiplas dimensões da judicialização da política e os usos sociais do controle de constitucionalidade: Porto Alegre/RS como objeto de estudo


IBICT - Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia




The present paper seeks to investigate the multiple theories and manifestations of the contemporary phenomenon of the "judicialization of politics," which will be focused in its most important theoretical apprehension: as a manifestation of the exercise of judicial control of constitutionality of laws. For this, the "judicialization of politics" will be analysed in three different dimensions: the institutional one, in which the necessary conditions, causes and institutional arrangements will be described so that policy is judicialized; the social one, in which the several social uses of systems of control of constitutionality by the social actors will be analysed; the normative one, where the legal-dogmatic contents that involves the control of constitutionality will be studied, and how they can shape the process of judicialization. Finally, a aspect still little researched of the phenomenon will be explored - the "judicialization of politics" in the local scope - with the presentation of a study under the case of Porto Alegre/RS, from the analysis of declaratory actions of unconstitutionality proposals against the legislation of this city.


declaratory actions of unconstitutionality social uses of the control of constitutionality judicialization of politics of the local politics judicial review of constitutionality of the laws judicialization of politics ações declaratórias de inconstitucionalidade judicialização da política municipal direito constitucional direito usos sociais do controle de constitucionalidade judicialização da política controle judicial de constitucionalidade das leis

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