ASAT: Uma ferramenta para detecÃÃo de novos vÃrus




The term malware can be used to define in general any computer program that has malevolent intentions. It is desirable for large companies as much as for domestic users there exists protection against such virtual threats. Information nowadays is seen as a very precious asset. There have been many cases in which damage was caused by information loss in companies. The malware attacks aim at harming somehow this asset, deleting o altering or even stealing data and in some cases even kidnapping data. Many security measures can be adopted with to protect the information, as is the case of security backup copies. One of the security measures most used to prevent virus attacks consists of malware detection software that analyses the malware machine code. With the intention of fooling the antivirus software, virus creators are always updating theirs malware versions by modifying the code therefore reducing the antivirus detection rate of unknown malwares. Aiming at solving this problem we propose ASAT, a tool to detection of new malware that works based on statistical calculations made on the executable assembly code. The work also includes a comparative study between ASAT and commercial antivirus software


vÃrus de computador computer virus kits de construÃÃo de vÃrus ciencia da computacao virus construction kits antivÃrus antivirus

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