Asociación entre plomo en sangre y parámetros sociodemográficos en población infantil


Revista de Saúde Pública




OBJECTIVE: To determine the relationship between blood lead concentration (Pb-S), and sociodemographic parameters among children. METHODS: Blood lead concentration (Pb-S) was determined in 243 children (aged 5.94±2.78 years) in the district of Valencia. The required analysis was performed at the Center for Toxicological Investigations of University of Carabobo (CITUC), Venezuela, between January 1st, 1998 to December 31st, 2000. Geographical Information Systems (GIS) technology was used for data mapping. RESULTS: Average Pb-S (11.62 ug/dl) was significantly higher than the allowed levels. One hundred and fifty (61.7%) children had Pb-S levels above the allowed concentration (VSLP) and this amount was significantly high in relation to the total number of subjects studied. The logistic regression analysis showed a significant association of sectors 12 (status A) and 16 and 28 (status C) with VSLP (R=0.1189; p<0,01; R=0.1202, p<0,01 and R=0.1189; p<0.01, respectively). Odds ratio showed that children from status C are 7,286 times more likely to have Pb-S VSLP than those from A or B. CONCLUSIONS: This study confirms that SGI and epidemiological-statistical methods widen the possibilities of preventing contaminants' adverse health effects. It also shows that correlating geographical and health data has allowed to identifying "high risk" areas, leading to a pro-active public health action

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