Aspectos discursivos e lingüísticos do texto moçambicano




This paper aims to discuss, through Luis Bernado Honwana works, that the Portuguese language, despite being an exogen language, that is, the conquerors language, has been important on the constitution of the Mozambique nationality and that this author, by means of this language, makes, on his tales, the registration of the conquerors oppression and of the inhuman ways on treating the colonized people, mainly the ones connected to FRELIMO Mozambiques Front for Freedom. To explain it we choose three tales: Nós matamos o Cão-Tinhoso (We killed Mangy Dog), A Velhota (The Old Lady) and As Mãos dos Negro (Nigers hands), which remounts to the period between 1964 and 1975, when FRELIMO was created. To accomplish the proposed objective, we have divided this work in three chapters. In the first one we commented on the historic aspects and the nationality issue. After that, we discussed about the theoretical fundamentals of the discourse analysis speech, ideology, polyphony, interdiscursivity and intertextuality, and the discourse on the Aristotelian perspective and the linguistic aspects lexical and semantic as pillars, to analyse the stories. It is necessary to mark that this paper intended to give some contribution for the analyses about Portuguese in Mozambique. The implantation of the Portuguese language in Mozambique is a very recent issue and the researches on this area are very scarce; on the other hand, it is a continuous research, as the language is dynamic. For all this, we just dare to make some reflections, so we can feed the desire of those who read this dissertation want to know more about this subject.


identity discourse analysis aspectos lingüísticos luis bernardo honwana linguistic aspects mozambique letras identidade moçambique luis bernardo honwana análise discursiva

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