Aspectos microbiologicos e quimicos de produtos alimenticios elaborados com carnes moidas, vendidos no varejo no municipio de Campinas




In order to investigate the microbiological and chemical quality of foods elaborated with grounds beef,70 samples covering 12 different brands were collected from retail markets C meat shops, supermarkets, groceries and pastry shops) in the country of Campinas, State of São Paulo; Brazil. Of these, 4 products were bougth refrigerated or fresh: pies, raviolis, "capelettis", croquettes, and 3 were frozen products : meat balls, "keebe" and hamburgers. Of the pasta, products, except for croquettes, we analised only the stuffing. The following microorganisms were investigated: viable aerobes at 35°&and 79 C, fecal coliforms and Escherichia coli,enterococci, coagulase-positive staphylococci, Bacillus cereus, Clostridium perfringens, Salmonella sp.,molds, yeasts and lipolytic microorganisms. Of the several groups of microorganisms studied, the coagulase-positive staphylococci were isolated from 701 of the croquette samples; Bacillus cereus from 901 of the eat ball samples ; Escherichia coli from 50% of the "keebe" samples, and Salmonella sp. and Clostridium perfringens from 4 0% of the "keebe" samples. The "keebe" samples were the most frequently contaminad with potencially pathogenic microorganisms. The minced meat stuffing of the pies, ravioli and "capelettis", showed the lowest counts of potencially pathogenic microorganisms, fecal contaminantes and total aerobic plate count, probably due to the fact they are pre-cooked. Proximate composition, and dough: stuffing ratio showed great variations.which indicates the need for standards for those foods.


quimica sanitaria alimentos - adulteração e inspeção carnes - bacteriologia

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