Association between genetic polymorphisms and growth curve parameters in beef cattle. / Associação entre polimorfismos genéticos e parâmetros da curva de crescimento em bovinos de corte.




Data from a crossbreeding experiment, carried out at Embrapa Southeast Cattle Research Center, State of São Paulo, Brazil, were analyzed in order to evaluate the effects of kappa-casein-HinfI (CSN3): AA and AB, growth hormone-AluI (GH): LL and LV, and b-lactoglobulin-HaeIII (LGB): AA, AB and BB, polymorphism on the growth curve of three beef cattle crosses, ½Nellore + ½Canchim (NC), ½Nellore + ½Aberdeen Angus (NA) and ½Nellore + ½Simmental (NS). Animals were born in the years 1998 and 1999. Weight measurements were collected at birth, weaning (7 months of age) and monthly from 8 to 19 months of age. The effect these genetic polymorphisms were analyzed by two approaches. In the first one, the parameters A (asymptotic value), k (maturing rate) and m (inflection point) estimated by Logistic model for each animal, were analyzed by least squares, fitting a linear model which included the fixed effects of the genotype, which was identified by combination of polymorphic RFLP’s of the genes CSN3, GH e LGB (G1=AALLAA, G2=AALLAB, G3=AALLBB, G4=AALVAB, G5=AALVBB, G6=ABLLAA, G7=ABLLAB, G8=ABLLBB, G9=ABLVAA, G10=ABLVAB e G11=ABLVBB), year of birth, sex and feed management. For the NC genetic groups, was detected significant effect of genotypes groups for A and k parameters estimates. The genotypes G3 presented inferior value of A and superior of k in relation to G7 and G8. In the second approach, it was fitted a Logistic non linear model which included the fixed effects of the contemporary group and genotype of the genes CSN3, GH and LGB, to examine the effect of these markers on growth curve parameters and to obtain the parameters estimates of the Logistic function, simultaneously. The growth curve used to explain the growth of the NC, NA and NS genetic groups, was influenced by genotypes of the CSN3, GH e LGB markers The major differences started at 12-13 months of age. The value of the maturing rate (k) of the AA genotype for CSN3 was superior in relation to AB genotype in the NC, NA and NS genetic groups. However, there was observed small difference in estimate of the asymptotic value (A) for the AA and AB genotypes in NC and NS genetic groups. For the GH polymorphism in NA genetic group the growth curve of the LL genotype showed more desirable to production of the beef cattle. The same was observed for the LGB, there were superior values of the parameter k of the AA and AB genotypes in relation to the BB for the NA genetic group, however there was inferior value of the parameter k of the AB genotype in relation to the BB, for the NS genetic group. Evidences that CSN3, GH and LGB polymorphism are linked to QTL influencing growth curve in beef cattle, indicates these genotypes may be a useful marker in future maker-assisted selection programs.


genetic marker polymorphism marcador genético crescimento animal animal growth beef cattle animal improvement polimorfismo bovino de corte melhoramento genético animal

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