Atlas Linguístico da Mata Sul de Pernambuco.




The Linguistic Atlas of the Mata Sul de Pernambuco-Almaspe has as objective the description of the linguistic reality of the Portuguese language in Pernambucos Mata Sul in the semantic-lexical aspect, showing the characteristics and linguistical differences in the region, offering not only to the teachers but also, lexicographs, grammar teachers and book authors, important data to the knowledge of the language, its production and teaching. To achieve its objectives an ample bibliographic research took place in different directions, what made it possible to show the most relevant contributions of old and todays dialectologists, without forgetting the political-cultural context of Brazil, in different times. The field research was based in the methodological-theoretical principles of the Geolingustics, with the delimitation of the corpus, network of points, historical profile of the cities researched, inquirers, informants, questionnaire, interviews, presentation of maps. The maps show the diatopic, diastric, diageracional and diagenerical variations, that make a pluridimentional Linguistic Atlas. In the final considerations synthetic recapitulations of the results, of the discussion and of the study were made. The linguistic Atlas of The Mata Sul de Pernambuco-Almaspe, is composed of one volume that comprehends the history of Pernambuco, in highlights the history of Mata Sul, the theoretical fundaments, the methodology, lexical letters, conclusion, references and annexes.


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