Autoavaliação institucional na Rede Federal de Educação Tecnológica: análise da implementação do SINAES.




According to Brazilian Law 9,394/96, it is up to the Federal Union to assure that Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) undergo a national assessment process. In 2004, Law 10,861 set up the National Higher Education Assessment System (Sistema Nacional de Avaliação da Educação Superior SINAES) aimed at carrying out the national assessment process of the HEIs, the undergraduate courses and the performance of their students. Such a System embraces a variety of HEIs, including the Federal Technological Education Centers (Centros Federais de Educação Tecnológicas - CEFETs), which comprise the Federal Network of Technological, Scientific and Professional Education. This research is primarily aimed at analyzing the implementation of the institutional self-assessment at the HEIs comprising the Federal Network of Technological Education namely, the CEFETs from 2004 to 2009, on the basis of the assumptions of autonomy, globality and participation as preconized by SINAES. By drawing upon the theoretical literature on assessment and the theoretical categories of autonomy, globality and participation, an Analysis Model is proposed and used to support the collective case study and the analysis of the documents and data that resulted from the empirical research, which, in turn, was undertaken by means of interviews with the coordinators of the Assessment Commissions (Comissões Próprias de Avaliação - CPAs) at the CEFETs. Results showed that the CPAs carry out a relatively autonomous assessment, that CEFETs have made progress towards an understanding that a global and integrated analysis of the institution means assessing all kinds and levels of teaching in all their campuses and that the participation of internal and external segments in the stages of internal assessment is a critical factor to assure the continuity of the assessment process.


sinaes cefet educacao sinaes cefet participação autonomy globality avaliação assessment autonomia globalidade participation

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