Autoconceito e capacidades fisicas de idosos depessivos e não depressivos participantes de um programa de atividade fisica de longa duração / Selfconcept and physical capabilities of elderly depressed and non-depressed participants in a program of physical activity of long duration




With the increasing elderly population, the study of activities they propose to provide physical and psychological wellbeing is essential. This study aimed to analyze the changes and correlations between selfconcept and physical capabilities of older people, with the practice of physical activity for one year.Study participants were 130 subjects aged 60 to 88 years (average 65.59 +- 8.26), and 32.58% with medical diagnosis of depression, confirmed by the scale of depression of the elderly (Fiatore and Nelson, 1996) using logistic regression. For the evaluation we used the Selfconcept Scale Factor(Tamayo, 1981), and assessment of muscle strength, body flexibility, balance and static and dynamic aerobic endurance.The measurements were performed on four occasions, before the intervention, at intervals of approximately 4 months and the end of one year. For data analysis were used the following statistical analysis: analysis of variance with significance level <0.05, Tukey test and Pearson s correlation. The results show that no significant changes in physical abilities. The ANOVA showed significant improvements in generally selfconcept the elderly, as well as factors: personal safety, social behavior, ethical-moral, physical appearance and perception of social acceptability. All these changes were observed in the group of depressive women and not depressive women. There were no differences in selfconcept of depressive men. In the group of not depressive men significant changes were found on items at security personnel and general selfconcept. Highly significant correlations between selfconcept and physical abilities were only in the depressed men group.Concluded that the program of physical activity that the maintenance of physical capacity and significantly improved the selfconcept independent of the elderly are depressed or not depressed.


atividade fisica idosos mental depression selfconcept elderly depressão mental physical activity autoconceito

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