Autosomal Modifiers of the Bobbed Phenotype Are a Major Component of the Rdna Magnification Paradox in DROSOPHILA MELANOGASTER


rDNA magnification in Drosophila melanogaster is defined experimentally as the ability of bb/Ybb- males to produce exceptional progeny that are wild type with respect to rDNA associated phenotypes. Here, we show that some of these bobbed-plus progeny result not from genetic reversion at the bb locus but rather from variants at two or more autosomal loci that ameliorate the bobbed phenotype of rDNA deficient males in Drosophila. In doing so we resolve several aspects of a long-standing paradox concerning the phenomenon of rDNA magnification. This problem arose from the use of two genetic assays, which were presumed to be identical, but paradoxically, produced conflicting data on both the kinetics of reversion and the stability of magnified bb+ chromosomes. We resolve this problem by demonstrating that in one assay bobbed-plus progeny arise primarily by genetic reversion at the bobbed locus, whereas in the other assay bobbed-plus progeny arise both by reversion and by an epistatic effect of autosomal modifiers on the bobbed phenotype. We further show that such modifiers can facilitate the appearance of phenotypically bobbed-plus progeny even under conditions where genetic reversion is blocked by magnification defective mutants. Finally, we present a speculative model relating the action of these modifiers to the large increases in rDNA content observed in males undergoing magnification.

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