Avaliação ambiental corporativa de empresa multinacional de veículos pesados em suas unidades no mundo




This research is focused on the study of the environmental assessment of a multinational company which produces heavy vehicles in its units worldwide. It is necessary to understand why this model of evaluation was adopted and how the concept "respect for the environment became important within this organization with global features. Thus, the work makes use of historical approaches on the subject, followed by the evaluation of existing concepts of environmental management. It also aims at providing a holistic view on the subject and understanding its impact over society. Furthermore, the essay presents the experience of the company, which has implemented this kind of evaluation and follows up the results obtained with it in their units worldwide. At last, the conclusion tries to show the possibility of implementing a global environmental assessment under a corporative view that runs through borders and can reach the balance with local society in many different issues, respecting local characteristics under a broader concept of ethics and social responsibility


empresas multinacionais -- aspectos ambientais ciencias sociais aplicadas meio ambiente environment gestao ambiental desenvolvimento sustentavel

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