Avaliação da cartilagem da ATM por meio de ressonância magnética com a utilização de bobinas microscópicas / MRI assessment of TMJs cartilage with the use of microscopic coils




Differences in thickness and regularity of the temporomandibular joints (TMJ) cartilage occur as the result of areas of growth or remodeling. This fact leads to misinterpretations on diagnosis and generally neglects the presence of fibrocartilage. The present study, using MRI microscopic coils, allows better observation of the articular cartilage. This evidence was confirmed by this study that examined 20 individuals (40 TMJ), divided into: symptomatic group with temporomandibular dysfunction (TMD) of 10 patients (20 TMJ) presenting clinical complaint and TMD diagnosis; and the control group of 10 volunteers (20 TMJ) that were asymptomatic or who had no clinical signs and symptoms of TMD. On both groups were measured cartilage thickness and if the cartilage was regular or not. The oblique sagital MR images of weighted SPIR protons density (PDs) TMJ were able to show the best cartilage images either in the mandibles head or on the articular eminence providing measurements. Both groups presented no statistically significant differences regarding to thickness and the evaluation of the regularity presented the same result. The regularity of the cartilage generally was similar to the morphology of the cortical bone. In many cases, especially when the presence of anterior articular disc displacement, the evaluation was more difficult, requiring practice. The control group with asymptomatic patients was found also to have disc displacements. Thus, we review a very useful tool in the diagnosis of TMD and its importance to evaluate the cartilage to development new therapies for degenerative diseases and trauma. The MRI images with the use of microscopic coil are of increasing clinical importance and might play an important role in assessing the effectiveness of these therapies.


bobinas microscópicas mri microscopic coils cartilagem articular da atm ressonância magnética articular cartilage of the tmj

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