Avaliação da contaminação por metais solúveis e metais pesados de uma área de disposição de resíduos sólidos urbanos com o acompanhamento da pluma de contaminação sob a influência das estações de chuvas




The present study has the goal of mechanisins that guide the metals behavior in the subterranean water and in the groud, scouring from a controlled scree. The quality of the groundwater in the scree controlled by the district of Londrina was evaluated using phisic and chemist parameters, soluble metals, heavy metals, nitrate, biochemistry demand of oxygen (DBO) and chemistry demand of oxygen. The method of sample with the sampler type "bailer", without the well´s purge was used with good results. The temperature of the water in the weels, in the majority, follows the changes of the environment temperature, except for the wells which tangent the residues mass. The "ph" showed the tendency to lower when far from the scree, only the river point has higher values. With the raise of the rain, parameters like darkness and solids totally solved, had values decreased in most of the showed points. The soluble metals analysed were Na, K, Mg e Ca. In this scree the material to cover the residue cells is formed by residues of construction and demolishing (RCD). The correlation among the electric condutivity (EC) and the soluble metals was analysed, they determine the activity of the ions in solution. Map of isoconcentrations of the parameters CE, Ca, and Na, were made and on them can be observed the effects of the increasing of rains over the concentration of these metals on subterranean water. The EC and the division of absortion of sodium (DAS) were used to quantify the risk of salinization and solidification of the subterranean water, observing that some shown points already bring the risks if used for irrigation. The water in well 01 has severed restrictions to its use. The ways of the contamination plume, in the direction of the point shown in the river, can have as a route the path that starts from the well 12. When admitted that weel 01 is representative of the initial concentration of the metals starting from the scree, we have the percent of lowering in the final contamination to the brook. The pollution charge of the heavy metals has been decreased by chemist process of groud.


metais - análise química de superfície química do solo surface chemistry soil chemistry metals - analysis

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