Avaliação da funcionalidade do ombro, dor e qualidade de vida em pacientes submetidos a esvaziamento cervical e a resposta ao protocolo de reabilitação fisioterápica / Evaluation of the shoulder function, pain and quality of life in patients undergone neck dissection and results of a physiotherapic rehabilitation protocol




Neck dissection is the treatment of head and neck cancer patient in whom the shoulder is at risk for changes related to the procedure. The postoperative morbidity is directly related with the surgery, which can be associated with displacement of flaps and resection of tissue and neuromuscular structures. The disease in this region has sufficient potential to affect the function and quality of life related to the shoulder of these patients. High rates of functional complications are found after neck dissection, which vary from 18 to 77% in surgery sparing the accessory nerve. The most common sequels found are pain and changes on range of motion and muscle strength in shoulder function, functional deficits and worsening quality of life. This study aimed to evaluate the shoulder function, pain and quality of life in head and neck cancer patients undergone neck dissection, and evaluate the results of the protocol physiotherapy rehabilitation proposed. We prospectively evaluated 88 patients (120 shoulders) preoperatively, 1st month and 3rd months after the unilateral or bilateral neck dissection due to malignancy in the head and neck region. Most of the patients were male and mean age was 56.7 years (median 56.5 years). Of 120 shoulders, the accessory nerve was preserved in 108. It was observed that the shoulder function had to be significantly affected after neck dissection, being the selective neck dissection, the initial clinical staging (I/II), not undergone the pectoral myocutaneos flap and not submitted to postoperative radiotherapy were the factors related to a lower relative loss on the shoulder movements and the muscle strength, especially considering the trapezius muscle. Specifically, the selective neck dissection was associated with a lower relative loss on the extension (p=0.004) and internal rotation (p=0.043) at 1st month and flexion (p=0.027) and external rotation (p=0.008) in the 3rd month; the clinical staging I / II for abduction (p=0.045), strength of middle trapezius (p=0.005), lower trapezius (p=0.007) and rhomboid (p<0.001) at 3rd month, patients not undergone pectoral myocutaneos flap showed lower losses for flexion (p=0.003) at 1st month and external rotation (p=0.006) at 3rd monts, and patients not submitted to postoperative radiotherapy were at lower risk for losses at abduction (p=0.007) in the 3rd month. It was found that after surgery, the movement of flexion and abduction, the strength of middle trapezius, lower trapezius and rhomboid and the Constant Score were the main factors related to pain, as well as flexion, extension, internal rotation and external rotation, strength the middle trapezius, serratus anterior and rhomboid are the factors related to quality of life (domains pain, activity, recreation and shoulder). Considering the protocol of physiotherapy rehabilitation it was observed that, if done in full, it might be beneficial to patients, minimizing the loss of function and reducing postoperative at 3rd months after surgery the sequel installed at 1st month in the movements of flexion and abduction, as well as the muscle strength of trapezius, which are the movements and muscle strength mainly affected after neck dissection


shoulder esvaziamento cervical physiotherapy (specialty) reabilitação rehabilitation fisioterapia (especialidade) neck dissection postoperative complications ombro complicações pós-operatórias

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