Avaliação da influência da distribuição de tamanho de partículas e do binômio velocidade/tempo de detenção na zona de reação no desempenho da flotação com emprego de sonda ultra-sônica e de técnica de análise por imagem / Analysis of particles distribution size and the pair velocity/hydraulic residence time in the reaction zone performance of a flotation unit by using ultrasonic probe and image analysis




This work investigated the performance of a dissolved air flotation (DAF) pilot plant, used to treat drinking water containing 05 Tu and 50 Cu. The particles (micro-bubbles and flocs) and hydraulic characteristics were taken into account. The focus was given in the reaction zone as hypothesized by Realis mathematic model (REALI, 1991). An image analyses was used to assess particles distribution sizes. The hydraulics of the DAF tank was assessed by using a pulse stimulus-response test combined with the three-dimensional flow analyses carried-out with equipment that applied ultra sound (microADV). Therefore, two methods were developed; one for the acquisition, treatment and also to obtain the micro-bubbles and flocs sizes distribution, without the need of extracting samples and another, involved the development of a software (VelDigital3D) in order to treat the microADV data. Initially, the application of the microADV in the DAF process was evaluated. After, the data collection was made and the result was treated by using the VelDigital3D software. Sequentially, the effects of some agents for micro-bubbles coalescence after the releasing point were investigated: i) mixture conditions in terms of hydraulic loading rate (HLR) and detention time (DT); ii) recirculation rate (p); iii) pH variation and, iv) coagulant dosage (AL POT.+3). Finally, the mathematic model behavior proposed by Reali (1991) was investigated by varying some parameters in the design, such as: detention time in the reaction zone (DTr.z) and hydraulic loading rate in the clarification zone HLRc.z (dowflow); and by varying some operational parameters, such as: particles sizes distribution (micro-bubbles and flocs) and recirculation rate (p). The main conclusions were: i) the microADV probe can be used to obtain the velocity flow profile in water containing micro-bubbles; ii) the flow within the reaction zone showed a well defined pattern of recirculation throughout the height of the unit, confirming the obtained results by using the stimulus-response tests; iii) the variation of micro-bubbles medium size was low (from 20 to 30 müm) but some points regarding this aspect were discussed and, iv) the behavior of the mathematical model proposed by Reali (1991) showed a significant adjustment to the experimental data proving that it can be applied to analyzed design parameters.


dissolved air flotation (daf) hydraulics digital image analyses reaction zone flotação por ar dissolvido (fad) flocos zona de reação hidrodinâmica análise digital de imagem micro-bolhas flocs micro-bubbles three-dimensional velocity profile perfil tridimensional de velocidade

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