Avaliação da osteoporose em mulheres idosas pelo DXA e pelos questionários do EVOS e de AIVD




xi The precocious recognition of the aged women how much the biggest possibility to have the illness osteoporosis is basic to diminish the impact that sequels of this disease can cause. Osteoporosis is a quiet illness what it implies in the recognition of the factors of inherent risk to each woman in the determination of strategies of improvement of the quality of life. As we know the supervened one of the Brazilian woman has increased in these last years. The planning in search of the retardation of the consequences of osteoporosis is a crucial point in the performance of its daily activities. The objective of this work was to verify through the questionnaire considered for the study of the EVOS, the possibility of the women to have osteoporosis. Such verification was made through the identification of the risk factors, in a first boarding, the aged ones with age above of the 60 years. The sample was constituted of 58 white women, with average of age of 67.31 years. The questionnaire is composed in demographic and anthropometric data; familiar history of breaking of femur after the 50 years of age in father, mother and brothers; reproductive and menstrual aspects; medication use; physical activities; rich food ingestion in calcium; tobacco; alcoholism and impact of the illness on the general health of the individual. The AIVD questionnaire more evaluates the performance in the activities of the daily life in relation to the actions executed in the day the day, as: to use the telephone, to go the distant places, using some transport and without necessity of special planejaments, to make purchases, to prepare its proper meals, to arrange the house, to make the domestic manual works, to wash and to pass its clothes, to take its remedies in correct hourly the dose certain and to take care of its finances. Such questionnaire had intention to identify to which the consequences of osteoporosis in the daily life of these studied women. The examination of the bone densitometry was carried through to diagnosis osteoporosis, for being the method standard-gold. We observe that the variable of the BMI (Body Mass Index), the level of physical activity for the ages up to 25 years and the vitamin use D had had significance. However, variable BMI in the logistic regression only had relevance in the questionnaire of the EVOS. In the analysis of the AIVD questionnaire, the women with osteoporosis the ones present significance in relation that osteoporosis for does not have: it obtains to make purchases, it obtains to make manual works and to take care of the finances. The possibility to identify osteoporosis for the factors of risk through the questionnaire of the EVOS was harmed by the size of the sample. The boarding of the performance of the women with osteoporosis did not allow to differentiate if the activity of the daily life through the AIVD questionnaire is useful as form to evaluate the independence of the partial or total dependence, in this study in reason of the low number of the sample or for the fact of the illness to have been studied at an initial moment (without breaking).


osteoporosis saude coletiva evos dxa osteoporose evos aivd dxa aivd

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