Avaliação da sustentabilidade dos elasmobrânquios demersais à pesca de arrasto de camarão no litoral norte do estado de Santa Catarina




The objective of the study was to assess the sustainability of demersal elasmobranches caught by coastal pink shrimp trawl fishery in northern Santa Catarina, Brazil. The data were collected between June 2004 and November 2005 during 5 research cruises carried out on the research vessel Soloncy Moura, equipped with a otter trawl net. The study was divided into two research modules. The first module refers to the ecology of the most representative species caught. The survey includes the population structure, reproduction aspects (sexual maturation and development, reproduction cycle), the distribution in terms of space and time, and the diet of the 4 species that contributed of 83% of the total individuals caught, i.e. Zapteryx brevirostris, Atlantoraja cyclophora, A. platana and Narcine brasiliensis. The second module assesses the sustainability of the elasmobranches under pressure from shrimp trawl fishery. The research method was based on data describing their biological characteristics, the ecology of their living environment and the fishery techniques employed, allowing to classify the species according to two criteria: (1) susceptibility to capture of the species and their mortality caused by shrimp trawl fishery, and (2) recuperation capacity of the species after depletion. N. brasiliensis and Z. brevirostris showed the lowest sustainability indices (4,0), identifying them as the least likely species to sustain the double trawl fishery exploration off Santa Catarina northern coast. Rhinobatos percellens, R. agassizi, Gymnura altavela and Torpedo puelcha, formed the second group of sustainability level, which varied between 5,33 to 8,67, considered also relatively low. Another 12 species were classified as an intermediate group of sustainability; their index ranged from 11,3 to 20,8. The shark Squalus gr. megalops/cubensis achieved the highest sustainability index (30,0), identifying it as the species most likely to be able to sustain the capture of shrimp trawl fishery. In general terms, the elasmobranches species caught by crab fishery with trawl nets showed a medium-low sustainability index, which proves a high sensibility of these species with respect to the fishing techniques described. The presented analysis turns out to be a useful tool for the assessments of the sensibility of the species under pressure resulting from commercial shrimp fishery, taking into account both the survival strategies of the species and the characteristics of the fishery practices. The tendency of a very low sustainability of the demersal elasmobranches proved by the study should be considered in programs and actions of an ecological management of coastal shrimp trawl fishery


elasmobrânquios camarão meio ambiente sustentabilidade pesca de arrasto ciencias exatas e da terra

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